Influences – Art by Lalima

Influences – the exhibition of paintings by artist Lalima will be launched on 29th April and will be on display at ICONART Gallery till April 4th, 2023. The show expresses the deep influences of her late artist father , renowned folk artist and illustrator Chandra. Also, on display are a few of Chandra ‘s art works.
“As the artist of this collection of illustrative Indian folk art, I am thrilled to present a vibrant and eclectic mix of artworks that celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Telangana. Each painting in this collection is a testament to the artistic traditions and techniques passed down through generations of skilled artisans, especially of my father, to who this exhibition is a testament to. From the intricate details and patterns to the bold colors, each piece showcases the unique style and character of the style of Indian folk art. Through this collection, I hope to share with you the magic and wonder of this cultural art form and inspire a renewed appreciation for the incredible creativity and skill of the Indian folk artists who have kept these traditions alive for so long,” shares Lalima introducing her exhibition.
The exhibition previews on 29th April at 6.30 pm at ICONART Gallery
Show will be on on till April 4th 2013
TimingsĀ :11.30 am to 7 pm
Ph : 984996879