Shankar Sahay and Preeti Sahay, authors of Chandausi Junction will be in conversation with A Giridhar Rao during an online session of Hyderabad Literary Festival.
Shankar Sahay has over 30 years of experience in education, training, and the corporate world as a career counsellor and mentor. He has organized and moderated academic and industry sessions at roundtable conferences/ seminars, as well as conducted webinars. His love for writing and story-telling prompted him to write several articles, co-author a book, and present one of his papers at IIT, Delhi. He is also a scriptwriter, poet, lyricist, and composer.
Preeti Sahay is a Spanish and English teacher. She is an avid reader and a keen observer of different cultures and the way life unfolds itself at various moments. She also enjoys watching movies and travelling and her dream is to travel the world, not as a tourist, but as a local, immersing herself in the culture, food, and rituals of the place.
The Sahays are movie buffs and chess enthusiasts. Their writings can be accessed at http://shankarsahay.wordpress.
A Giridhar Rao teaches courses on the pedagogy of language and literature, multilingual education, Esperanto and linguistic democracy, and science fiction at Azim Premji University, Bengaluru. He has translated Gandhi, Manto, and Faiz into Esperanto. He blogs on language and education in Esperanto (https://lingvovivo.blogspot.
Shankar Sahay and Preeti Sahay, authors of Chandausi Junction, in conversation with A Giridhar Rao.
Friday│19 May 2023│7 pm IST (1:30 pm UTC)
Live at: