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Music Academy says TM Krishna fulfills its Criteria – Excellence in Music

Music Academy

Music Academy selecting TM Krishna for Sangeetha Kalanidhi says something about its commitment to excellence in music. “Even if more musicians join in the protest, the Academy will stand firm in its decision. This year will be our 98th annual convention and concerts. The institution is bigger than individuals,” says president N Murali

Kadalirada Thane Vasantam Thana Dariki Raani Vanala Kosam – in K Balachander’s movie Rudra Veena – Chiranjeevi, who plays the role of the son of an orthodox musician (Gemini Ganesan), decides to sing to the wood cutters sweating it out at their work – to bring them some refreshing music – and to do that he works around the classical form to it make it simple and enjoyable for them.

Madras Music Academy

Why did Music Academy’s Decision to Award Sangeetha Kalanidhi to TM Krishna Anger Musicians 

When the Madras Music Academy announced the most coveted Sangeetha Kalanidhi Award to musician TM Krishna – in its citation it mentions – he – “worked towards expanding the listener base of the art by taking it to varied social settings and focusing on its exploratory as opposed to tightly defined structures.” It does reinforce the importance of TMK’s work that transcends class and creed.

TMK has held his concerts at tribal hamlets, has sung their songs, and has taken his music beyond social barriers to the marginalised communities, and even religion – which led to an outcry amongst Hindutva brigade.

Music Academy

TM Krishna – the extremely talented, revolutionary yet innovative, unorthodox and rebellious yet supremely knowledgeable musician – never shied away from being critical of the Carnatic music practitioners for their orthodoxy ways and Brahminical dominance. If he got away with calling out the upper-class domination in the music society, it is also because there is a huge section that believes in it, but never had the courage to say it loud. Meanwhile the rest of the musicians shunned his views. While some agreed with him, several disagreed with several of his views – but if there is one thing none can disagree with is his mastery over his craft.

His full-throated rendition traversing the lowest to the highest octaves while rendering Thyagaraja, Shyama Sastri and Muthuswamy Deekshitar, the mellifluous singing of the Puranadara Dasa, sufi songs, bhajans of Kabir and Meera, the popular folk forms of India, revolutionary poetry…for TMK music is an instrument to touch hearts, awaken souls, and unite people as it is to delight connoisseurs. It is through music that he spreads his message of love, shares his immense knowledge and research, and if there is one thing he does not believe in – it is to blindly follow.

TM KrishnaWhat did TM Krishna say about Thyagaraja?

And, while doing this he does offend many, hurt sentiments that are strongly embedded in people’s minds, and almost every time create a major out cry seeking his ban.

Some of his comments like the one when he said – some of Thyagaraja’s compositions have caste and gender discrimination, and placing him as a saint and semi-god was not correct, especially in the changed context – led to a furore in the music community that evidently held the Vaggeyakar on the highest mantle.

In fact, TMK did not spare the Music Academy and called it out for its Brahminical orthodoxy ways, gender and caste bias – he even refused to perform at some of the Sabhas and that included the coveted Academy itself. While refusing to perform at Marghazi, he started ‘Kuppam Marghazi Festival’ at a fishing hamlet Urur-Olcott Kuppam.

And despite the criticism the Academy selecting TM Krishna for his music says something about its commitment to excellence in music. In the citation it said – One of the foremost Carnatic musicians today – known for his adherence to tradition when it comes to art, he has experimented widely with its format. He has also worked towards expanding the listener base of the art by taking it to varied social settings and focusing on its exploratory as opposed to tightly defined structures. He has used music as a tool for social reform.

Ranjani Gayatri

Ranjani Gayatri

Musicians Protest Academy’s Decision

Meanwhile we have senior musicians like Ranjani Gayatri, the Trichur Brothers, Visakha Hari, Chitraveena Ravi Kiran – declaring on social media that they are cancelling their concerts at the Music Academy during the December Music Season in protest of its decision to confer the prestigious award to TMK. Infact, RAGA were the first to take to social media to announce their decision to not sing at the Chennai / Madras Music Academy

The Academy responded to the protest – Even if more musicians join in the protest, the Academy will stand firm in its decision. This year will be our 98th annual convention and concerts. The institution is bigger than individuals – shared the president N Murali.

He also expressed his shock over Ranjani Gayatri’s decision to take to social media and using vicious language against a fellow musician.

N Murali

Why is TMK right for Sangeetha Kalanidhi Award 

“Even though unorthodox in his approach, he is certainly one of the foremost Carnatic musicians today and is a right candidate for the Sangita Kalanidhi award, he added.

“Our foremost criterion is ‘excellence in music over a sustained period’ and Krishna fulfils it, end of the story,” he stated.

Hyderabad based senior advocate from Hyderabad High Court, a critic and music connoisseur L Ravichander calls this one of the darkest moments in history and a reflection of polarisation and intolerance even among the artists that has become a habit in India.

L Ravichander

He said, “The crème dela crème threatens to boycott the academy and by doing this they are proving what TM Krishna has said. While I personally do not agree with many of the statements that Krishna makes or is making – but the recognition given to him by the academy is not about falling in tune with his political and social beliefs. Those who are jumping the gun – it is their choice. But by boycotting the mecca of music over their decision leaves it open for majoritarian stalwarts to call the shorts. It is not the first time that muscle flexing has happened with the Academy.”

In fact, the academy should be saluted for keeping its orthodox view apart and recognising the brilliance of TMK. I have heard from multiple people about this man’s modesty in contrast to the haughty approach of some others in the thick of the controversy,” he adds.

“If these popular musicians imagine for a minute that they represent my community., then they are wrong. This idea that we brahmins should get together and teach him a lesson must be rejected. If RAGA think they are the torch bearers of my community – who gave them the authority,” he asks, “I also ask them to understand what the Abhangs that they sing so well say about hate and protest”!

Meanwhile, Ranjani Gayatri have again taken to social media expressing their displeasure over Mr Murali’s remarks. They took offense to being called casteist & bigoted and beseeched the academy to walk the talk. Which, brings us back to what TMK has said time and again. May be the moment has arrived for all to look within & begin the much needed change.