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What do you envision for Telangana’s future?

Telangana Elections

 Telangana Elections: Etla Kaavali Telangana?

If the Indian cricket team losing the World Cup broke millions of hearts, the political advertisements and manifestos that parties are running ahead of the Telangana State elections come seconds close to it. From women in villages being happy about getting a cylinder for Rs. 500 to an elderly man advising the young to vote for a party because the others’ political bosses don’t stay in the state, the social media campaigns make voters sound like they are subjects of a kingdom than citizens of a democracy, happy that they are getting generous free gifts from their political nobility.

But what’s more amusing on the other hand is the absence of equally emotional promises for the urban voters of Telangana. Would guaranteeing 5,00,000 Rs education support or distributing free laptops to students really entice the young voters to cast their votes for the parties? Only time can tell! But what about the middle classes who have been hoping for some relief in the various taxes being collected by the state  or those who are tired of the century celebration of petrol rates for over a year now. Seems like they ought to be as let down as the Australian cricket team that was welcomed by an empty airport. 

Telangana Elections

It’s also intriguing that despite the dents in TSRTC’s coffers and the high inflation plaguing the state economy, women voters are being ‘handed’ in free bus rides and cash assistance of Rs. 2500 for Election guarantees. ( Seems like a Black Friday offer has struck Telangana women with Terms & Conditions written in the smallest font.) Well here’s the twist! In a recent interview, the state’s IT Minister Mr. K T Rama Rao (ane taanu) has confidently pedalled to bring in a Women’s Manifesto when elected to the throne in December. But ironically, none of these parties have really highlighted any of their women star campaigners for the election season( at least till now).  Now this is a whole new story altogether!

However, the parties are using different means to convince voters why they must be given the political throne. Some claimed that an average person from Telangana is earning 6920 Rs. more than his income in the previous year because of their administration while some said Telangana needs a change from corrupt politics and a few are bringing in the Delhi cadre to vouch for the party’ s efficiency. But unfortunately the young voters seem more serious about Big Boss 17 eliminations than they are about knowing their election candidates or their profiles. (Although the later is more entertaining if you followed the interviews of the star campaigners.)

Telangana Elections

“What’s the big deal anyway? They won’t even show their faces after the election.” seems to be the favourite catchphrase of the season. Well, in that case here’s something you should know. Every MLA earns 9 times the salary of an average Telanganite excluding the other perks from taxes we pay. So, don’t settle for the dreams they show, ask them for an action plan.

Let them not dictate what you want but voice out what you need. (Your money, your state, your future and your rules!)

Now is the time to decide –

Etla Kaavali Telangana!

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