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Glorious summer mornings!

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From where I come, there are two seasons of fitness. One is around the new year. Come January 1, and suddenly you will see an increase in gym memberships; swimming pools too get more enrollments. You see more people taking to the roads for want of better options to do their early morning walks, and the dedicated ones who have been doing it forever now are bewildered with the new faces, who come bursting with energy as they walk up and down the road with a clear intention to reduce weight (which is usually the reason) or simply to increase stamina. And even before the faces register with the regulars, they fade away as quickly as they appear.

The timing of the early morning walk that starts at 5 am slowly moves forward to 5:30 – 6 am and so on until it is back to where it started – sleeping away in glory until it’s time to get up and rush to work. The intention is always in the right place, and the heart too beats with anticipation of a change in lifestyle for better. However, the fitness regimen that started with almost unflinching dedication frizzles out with gym memberships lasting for hardly a month or two, swimming lessons discarded after a few laps and hitting the bed every day with a promise of a walk or two the next day, a promise that is almost always never kept – This is more or less the story of every aspiring fitness enthusiast.

Why is fitness being discussed now? Because we are in yet another season that brings the fitness enthusiasts out of their slumber. Is it because summers are somehow associated with leisure – having grown up enjoying summer holidays, or is it because there is this fitness trivia that says summers are best for shedding weight since you sweat more;it can be both and also that early summer mornings are hassle-free – neither too cold as in winters nor rainy and messy – just perfect for a glorious walk and dwelling in the feeling of goodness as you imagine each step taking you closer to a healthier self. These days the fitbits of the world and the fitness apps that keep a tab on your every step boost up your morale in indulging in any kind of regimen that you fancy. Advertise With Us Options to pursue fitness are many, but the most entertaining and enriching ones in my opinion, are the morning walks – where you see a group of retired men ganging up to discuss politics and doctor visits, soaking in the sun and enjoying every bit of the camaraderie, which is otherwise missing from modern lives. The husband and wife, who otherwise must be discussing bills and kids’ admission walk alongside each other like they promised to do when they took their vows making the world look more romantic and dreamy, the old uncle with a stick comes along tapping it as he moves forward, and suddenly you realise how good life makes it all so much worthwhile living it.

The young men and women, who have given in oh so easily to vices decide it’s time to make it all right with 30 minutes of brisk walking and a green tea add so much to the vibe. Then there are the groups of office-going men burdened with the stress of work and responsibilities joining in the morning joy walk, as they put all the worries behind and discuss – politics – what else?

And not to mention, the homemakers – the women, who usually never get time for themselves, are now able to grab a few minutes and indulge in some morning walk ritual coupled with gossip sessions, thanks yet again to the summer holidays and some free time. There are also animal lovers with their cute pets that display more discipline than their human counterparts. Life looks so much simpler and more hopeful during these early hours of the day. Who will last this fitness season, and continue the wellness routine? Come monsoons and you will know. Until then, those who have not yet indulged in the morning masti – grab your shoes – get set and go!

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