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Home Learning – The Heutagogy Way

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Home learning is always present in every mode of education system – This year’s theme of World Heutagogy Day that falls on September 26th is Home learning to celebrate ease of learning

 “This boy never concentrates on his studies; he is always on his phone or watching television.”

“My younger daughter is having difficulty adjusting to her siblings.” She often complains that I favor her siblings.”

“I hit my teenage son in a rage this morning when he didn’t get up to go to college.”

“I’m at a loss for how to deal with my son’s/daughter’s infatuations.”

Yes, there are numerous scenarios in every household that send shivers down the spine or heat up the head when it comes to raising children. It can be difficult to keep your rage under control at times. It may be rather irritating to be confronted with situations that appear to be spiraling out of control. Many parents believe that while their children were infants, they were the happy.

The same is true for teachers.

“This student is completely irresponsible.” He continues to tamper with the classroom things. He damages them. He’s so obstinate and reckless.”

“This girl is completely dumb. She appears to be uninterested in studying. She is a failure in every topic. “I’m not sure how to handle this girl.”

“This is my first year at this school. These students appear to be indisciplined. “I’m not sure how to change them.”

“Parents do not care about their children’s education.” They point the finger at us.”

Yes, there are several instances in every school and classroom that cause us to get frustrated, perplexed, and angry.

And, to be serious, we see so many students commit suicide every day all around the world. This scenario is found particularly in countries where the education system is taxing on kids’ brains, in homes where there is parental pressure, and in schools where students are overly competitive and fail to balance their reaction to failure.

Home Learning

Education is first and foremost a science, followed by psychology. Now, if the science is not given in a way that the student understands, or if the psychology is not adequately addressed, things go beyond comprehension, resulting in pandemonium.

Why is education considered obnoxious yet games and sports are not?

Do what you enjoy doing, according to the basic equation of Heutagogy, which means self-determined learning. You enjoy playing kabaddi. You enjoy playing cricket. You enjoy watching movies. You enjoy drawing and painting. You enjoy experimenting with new things. Did you ever find them difficult to complete? You will play and play until you have mastered all of the game’s rules. The fact that you enjoy playing is a fantastic aspect of this interaction. You will watch the video, draw, paint, or execute the experiment by figuring it out. The amazing aspect of this hobby is that you enjoy it.

When it comes to studies, we lose sight of this magic. Don’t you suppose a child learns to walk and talk by copying their elders and improvising? The same thing should be conveyed in schooling. Allow the kids to practice their improvisation talents. Allow them to develop a passion of learning. Allow them to learn what they want and how they want. This is what I do in my classroom, explains Heutagogy Expert and Author Vijaya Bhanu Kote. This is what her husband, Bangarraju Elipe, and her son, Vardhishna Elipe, Directors of Heutagogy Brainery (the world’s first of its type), explain to parents, instructors, students, and citizens who seek Heutagogy training at their Brainery.

This year, on the eve of World Heutagogy Day, September 26th, the theme is “Home learning,” celebrating the ease of learning from home in a Heutagogic mode of learning, according to Fred Garnett FRSA, London, Nigel Ecclesfield FRSA, London, and the founder of Heutagogy, Steward Hase, Australia. Home learning is always present in every mode of education system since learning begins and grows first and foremost at home before spreading to the walls of the classroom. This learning can take place outside of the classroom as well at home and in the environment, we live in.

Learn through Heutagogy to see the difference. You’ll adore it after only one try!

Happy International Heutagogy Day!