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Bawaal Review – Finding love amidst a war

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Bawaal Review – Life lessons with tender moments of love, and heart-warming romance thrown in, without missing on some fun and a bunch of emotions 

bawaalBawaal is a love story, a travel movie, and a history lesson summarizing the world war history and places that stand as witness to one of the greatest tragedies in human history. Best of it all is that without trivializing the tragedies of war – the manner in which the director has related it to the story of this married couple Ajay and Nisha adding in several life lessons for every one of us is what makes Bawaal an engaging watch. Life lessons with tender moments of love, and heart-warming romance thrown in, without missing on some fun and a bunch of emotions – Bawaal for you. If one wonders that world war 2 is being trivialized – I would think why must we have the war memorials if we aren’t going to learn from them. And, if these lessons change our lives for better – why not?

Ajju (Varun Dhawan) is a school teacher who only wears branded ironed clothes, wear shades and goes around in his Bullet with an air of superiority – and he makes heads turn where ever he goes. And he puts in a lot of effort to maintain the image. And, towards the end of the day he drowns his disappointments and his dejection of not having it all as others. He believes it is the image that you carry with you that decides the manner in which others behave with you. He marries Nisha – a topper in studies for the same image. Nisha is an exact opposite of Ajju. She is lively and happy girl. All she misses is having a man of her own who loves her. She has one condition – epilepsy. Ajay marries her but when he sees her having an epileptic attack – he regrets his decision. He is more concerned about what people would think of him if they learn of her fits.

In order to correct one problem in school that almost leads to his losing the job, he sets off on a world tour funded by his father – and hence has to take his wife along. The rest of the story is evidently how he starts to love and value her.

On the flip side, Jhanvi could have added more energy vibe to her character, and sometimes the film tends to be more like a promotion of Europe tourism. Other than that it is a a simple story set in a new premise against the quintessential Lucknow and some stunning locations across Europe ticks all the right boxes for the ideal movie to watch during a romantic rainy evening. Don’t forget the samosas and some hot chai – and then life will seem perfect despite any bawaal that you have been dealing with.

The film is written and directed by Nitesh Tiwari who has also written the wonderful dialogues, and jointly produced by Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment and EarthSky pictures. Bawaal is being screened on Prime Video.