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Rahul Gandhi Explores Tesla Y Car With Sreedhar Puppali

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Rahul Gandhi the senior Congress leader and prominent Indian politician, recently had the opportunity to explore the world of electric mobility during a Tesla drive in Washington DC. The drive, organized by the Indian Overseas Congress and facilitated by former Member of Parliament Madhu Yashki Goud, showcased the cutting-edge technology of Tesla electric cars and its potential to revolutionize transportation. Mahabubnagar-born Sreedhar Puppali, an IT professional residing in the United States, had the honor of driving Rahul Gandhi in his Tesla-Y car during this insightful experience.

Apart from his interest in technology, RaGa’s engaging personality and deep understanding of international and national topics made the 15-minute drive with Sreedhar Puppali a lively and memorable experience, for the latter. Sreedhar noted the Congress leader’s sense of humor, which added an enjoyable touch to the drive. This personal encounter showcased Rahul Gandhi’s down-to-earth nature and his willingness to connect with people on a human level.

Rahul GandhiPrior to the drive, Sreedhar Puppali and his family were invited to a dinner hosted by the Indian Overseas Congress in honor of Rahul Gandhi at Capitol Hill. During this intimate gathering, Rahul Gandhi took the time to interact with Sreedhar and his family, showing genuine interest in their lives in the United States. This personal connection further exemplified Rahul’s approachability and his desire to understand the experiences of ordinary individuals according to the press release.

Rahul Gandhi

The Tesla drive in Washington DC offered Rahul Gandhi a firsthand experience of the future of electric mobility. Sreedhar Puppali’s expertise and passion for Tesla cars allowed Rahul to delve into the technology’s capabilities and gain valuable insights into the viability of electric vehicles.

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