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Gussadi and Wangala

Gussadi and Wangala Festivals Unveiled

Gussadi is a vibrant celebration among the Raj Gond tribe in the Adilabad forest area of Telangana, and Wangala is cherished by the Garo tribe in Meghalaya. What’s fascinating is that both these unique tribal festivals happen in sync with the grand Diwali celebrations that sweep across the entirety of India.

The Mesmerizing ‘Gussadi’ Festival of the Raj Gond Tribe

Gussadi Gussadi

Cultural Celebration: ‘Gussadi’ Unveiled

The ‘Gussadi’ festival, a captivating cultural extravaganza, comes alive in the Adilabad forest region of Telangana, celebrated primarily during the Diwali season. Also referred to as ‘Dandari,’ this festival weaves a mesmerizing tapestry of customs, art, and tradition that has transcended generations.

Rhythmic Revelry: The ‘Dandari’ Ritual

During the ‘Dandari’ festival, tribal village chieftains carefully choose tribesmen who don traditional peacock feather headgear. These select individuals unite to perform the vibrant and rhythmic ‘Gussadi’ dance, accompanied by the enchanting melodies of unique tribal musical instruments. The celebration encompasses visits to temples and homes, crafting a visually splendid and culturally significant experience that has seamlessly integrated with Telangana’s cultural identity.

Extended Celebrations: A Glimpse into Tradition

The ‘Gussadi’ festivities span at least five days, commencing before Diwali and concluding after the festival of lights. Offering a glimpse into a world of mythology, history, and artistic expression, ‘Gussadi’ stands as a truly captivating and culturally significant event, preserving the heritage of the Raj Gond tribe.

Wangala Festival – A Celebration of Garo Culture and Harvest


The Wangala Festival, celebrated by the Garo community in Meghalaya is a vibrant homage to their rich indigenous culture and the bountiful harvest. This traditional festivity is observed across multiple locations during the harvest season, with the most significant gathering taking place at the annual 100 Drums Festival in the first week of November.

Garnering Cultural Insights:

Wangala offers a profound insight into the cultural heritage of the Garo people. The festival’s symbols and rituals reflect the community’s deep-rooted beliefs, predating the arrival of Christianity in the region. At its core, Wangala venerates the sun-god, accompanied by the rhythmic beats of the Nagra drum. The event culminates with the grand convergence of dancers in the main celebration area, where they perform ceremonial and traditional dances.


Festive Revelry:

Wangala is a time of joy and celebration as the harvest season comes to a close. Many visit the state to immerse themselves in captivating dances and the vivid traditional attire of the Garo people. The festival also provides an opportunity to savor local cuisine and indulge in traditional beverages like the renowned Garo rice wine, known as “bitchi.”

Dazzling Traditional Attire:

During Wangala, both men and women don their finest traditional apparel. Women showcase an array of striking garments, including the bead-embellished chroko ganna, ganna dakmanda wrap, chinani shawl, ganna kore kinga traditional top, and the kotip headscarf-like accessory. Men, in turn, are adorned in the gantap wrap, genji gisim shirt, or the pandra crisscrossed cloth, complemented by the distinctive kadesil headgear. Ornamentation with coral, shells, beads, and silver further enhances the festival’s visual splendor.

Wangala Festival stands as a jubilant celebration of Garo culture, traditions, and the abundant harvest. It welcomes all to partake in its vibrant spirit and gain a deeper understanding of the cultural heritage of the Garo community.

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